From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Mocha AE crash course

Mocha AE crash course

- [Instructor] Another tool at our disposal for creating transparency is Mocha AE. It's a powerful effect designed to make the work of rotoscoping much easier. It works by referencing a patch of footage and tracks its transformation over time. The result is a mask that's generated with far fewer keyframes than when done manually. Here in this composition, we have the same footage that we saw previously when we tried to use the rotobrush tool, as well as animated masks that were done manually. I'll solo the isolated foreground subject to take a closer look at the results from Mocha. Come over here to a hundred percent and let's play this through. And you can see how the edges are particularly cleaner than what you would get with the rotobrush tool, and this was done with far fewer keyframes than if you were to do this manually with animated masks. So let's take a quick look at this final roto in Mocha and then I'll give a…
