From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training
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Limiting effects with mask references - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training
Limiting effects with mask references
- [Instructor] Masks allow us to hide or reveal parts of a layer. Likewise, we can use masks to hide or reveal parts of an effect, using a feature called mask referencing. Often this can save us from unnecessary duplication of layers to achieve the same results. In this 02 composition, here is an animation that we saw previously in the course where we took a building animating up out of the ground. But in order to create that, we ended up using masks to split off into own layers, the building itself and the shadows. But here I've got a similar animation using only one layer. So let's see how to make that happen. I'll turn off my layer 1, and let's switch over to layer 2. You can see I have a mask for the building and one for the shadow. I'll twirl this up and for now I'm going to disable these. I'll set that to none. And with our layer 2 selected let's come up to effect, distort, transform. Now this transform…
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