From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Export to disk using the Render Queue

Export to disk using the Render Queue - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

Export to disk using the Render Queue

- [Instructor] The last step in completing our work is rendering our composition to one or more files on disc. After Effects has a versatile tool called the render queue where we can define what kind of files should be created and how it should be rendered. Let's see how the main portions of this work. Okay, here we have our city letters composition and we have our portal composition in here as well that we want to render out to disc. Now you'll notice that with this particular composition, we're operating in a quarter resolution so that we can work fast and preview this quickly as we iterate. But we want to have this out to disc using the full resolution. And if we were to work in full, we can come down here and with this snail icon, we can have a look at the render time for this particular frame. And as After Effects is calculating, let's go ahead and park somewhere over here, After Effects will give us an indication…
