From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Activating Adobe fonts

Activating Adobe fonts

- [Instructor] As part of your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, you have access to a huge library of free fonts that you can use in your projects. We'll see how to browse, add, and manage fonts for use in After Effects. So here I am, not in After Effects. This is my web browser. I'm at the site. And once you've logged in here with your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, you can go through and start to browse and add fonts here that will then sync up to your computer and are available for use inside your applications. Now, what I'll do is just go through to All Fonts. And I personally like to just browse through and see what's available. Over here on the left-hand side, we have some filters that will help us narrow down our search. For instance, I'll click on the tag to search for only geometric fonts. And here under the results, you can see that we have a list of all the various fonts that filter…
