From the course: After Effects CC 2021 Essential Training: VFX
What is a chroma key? - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: After Effects CC 2021 Essential Training: VFX
What is a chroma key?
- [Instructor] What is chroma keying? Chroma Keying is the process by which we can separate a foreground subject from a background by filtering out a range of certain colors to create transparency. You almost often see this with a subject shot on a green or a blue screen since those colors are considered to be the most opposite of what is present in skin tones, although it should be said that any color range can certainly be keyed out. For visual effects, green or blue screenshots are filmed specifically with a background or a context in mind and presents its own set of challenges when filming. The screen itself must be evenly lit and captured at a proper exposure while the subject must be lit separately and dressed with none of the colors of the background. Once the footage is in After Effects, a visual effects artist looks to seamlessly blend the foreground subject to the background plate in a believable way, drawing attention to the minute details of things like edges of the foreground subject. This chapter is focused on keying basics. And while the subject can go quite deep, grasping these foundation techniques will help your core set of compositing skills.
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