From the course: After Effects CC 2021 Essential Training: VFX
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VR and Cinema 4D Lite - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: After Effects CC 2021 Essential Training: VFX
VR and Cinema 4D Lite
- [Instructor] After Effects comes with Cinema 4D Lite as part of your Creative Cloud installation. Here will cover the workflow to get After Effects and Cinema 4D working together to benefit our VR workflow. Now some of you may be new to Cinema 4D and if you like what you see here, I encourage you to check out other courses in the library to get started on your Cinema 4D journey. In this exercise file, I'll show you the end results of what we can accomplish with both applications together. So here I have some footage of an aerial shot where we're moving away from this little mountain range. And if I go over It's my VR Comp Editor and open up this edit one. Here, we can look around and as this footage plays, you can see that we have this ground here. And I've added in some 3D objects here courtesy of Cinema 4D Lite. Let's turn on layer two and you can see that I've added in this text here that says 360 VR. And if I orbit…
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