From the course: After Effects CC 2021 Essential Training: VFX

Exercise files and relinking

- [Instructor] If you have access to the exercise files, I encourage you to follow along with me. Inside the exercise files folder, you'll find various chapters and a folder including the assets. Inside the chapter, you'll find the After Effects project file and you will most likely encounter this. If you open it, you'll get a warning that says you're missing some files. So to fix this, we need to relink what's inside the asset folder. We'll say Okay and we just need to point these files to where they live on your hard drive. So let's go over here and filter out all the missing footage by selecting Missing Footage. Then we'll double-click here on the project name, that will expand this window. We'll also come over here to this little hamburger menu and come down to Columns. Make sure that File Path is enabled. Once it's visible, you can see the previous file path where After Effects is looking. What we can do is target the exercise files, assets folder. Let's go ahead and double-click on this file to relink it. So we'll just target our desktop, exercise files, assets, and it's this first one here. When we say Open, After Effects will relink, and occasionally you'll find some ones that don't relink because they're in another folder inside the assets folder. So let's go ahead and find this one under assets, face track. We can double click. We'll go to the assets folder again, face track, and here in the sequence we can click on that first file, say Open, and we're back in business. So with this all out of the way, let's go ahead and double click this project and continue on following with the movie.
