From the course: After Effects 2021 Essential Training: The Basics

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Basics of 3D in After Effects

Basics of 3D in After Effects

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at how to get started with 3D in After Effects. Getting started is pretty easy and there are a few simple guidelines that can help determine what you'll do with it. After Effects lets you freely mix 2D and 3D layers in a single composition. This is highly flexible but it does have a few rules of its own. So I'm going to turn off 3D for these two layers and then turn it back on and you can see that they are no different. They're not changed at all by toggling that. I'm going to now just enable 3D on this front type layer and move it around in a way that you've probably already seen done. So this is just a rotation. But now I just want to switch to custom view number one. Any of the custom views would work for this, I just happen to like this one, and do the same thing and you can see what's really happening here in 3D. And I can do that on every axis. Now After Effects actually…
