From the course: After Effects 2021 Essential Training: The Basics
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Animate with the timeline - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: After Effects 2021 Essential Training: The Basics
Animate with the timeline
- Key frames allow you to animate elements in After Effects with the help of the software. All a single key frame does is hold a property value at a given time, but as soon as you add another key frame with separate values at a separate time, the values in between can be calculated for you automatically. Not only that, you can gain precise control over transitions and eases, and recreate how motion occurs in nature. Great animation apps have great key frame controls and After Effects is definitely among the top in this regard. So here I have a logo, and the logo is holding out a couple of video layers. So, there are two separate layers here, explore and California, holding out golden gate bridge and my LA Panorama. And I'm going to animate those matte layers in. So let's start with explore. Let's just have it fade in. And I'll set opacity here for a hundred, and zero at the beginning. And then for California, I'm…
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The six foundations of After Effects12m 7s
Explore the After Effects user interface4m 22s
Begin with compositions6m 7s
Composite with layers6m 55s
Animate with the timeline8m 12s
Add effects to a layer5m 27s
Basics of 3D in After Effects5m 8s
Finish with rendering3m 59s