From the course: After Effects 2020 Essential Training: The Basics

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Compositing with layers

Compositing with layers

- A layer actually represents two things at once. It holds an object in place in a stack. And it also specifies how that object appears at a specific moment in time. Each layer can contain an infinite amount of data about the appearance of that layer. Determined by its settings, properties and effects. In this lesson will focus on the fixed characteristics of a layer, those that don't change over time. Before we move on, pun intended, to animation in the timeline. So when we talk about the timeline and layers, as I said before, the left side is kind of like Photoshop and the right side is kind of like Premier. So right now we're going to focus on basic controls on the left side. So right now you see a logo over a background and there are a couple other layers that we don't see at all. And of course, the reason we see the logo is that it has transparency or as we said in after effects and after channel. So if I double…
