From the course: After Effects 2020 Essential Training: The Basics

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Animating an Illustrator logo

Animating an Illustrator logo

- As you might hope would be the case, Photoshop and Illustrator files have specific superpowers that you can leverage directly in After Effects. Perhaps the most useful of these is the ability to retain the layers from those images as an After Effects composition. Let's take a look at what you can do with an Illustrator file that has been prepped for animation. My Illustrator logo is here in the source. Watch as I drag it in and specify both where it is in the layer stack, and where it is in time. These little blue preview icons, and boom, when I release my mouse, it's right there. So there's the logo, and immediately, I see some problems. Specifically, the text is not visible over dark. And I also want the rest of the logo to animate, but I've only got the one layer. Well, I made individual layers of each of these elements in Illustrator, so to access those in After Effects, I'll right click the source, and choose…
