From the course: After a Layoff: How to Cope at Work When Coworkers Lose Their Jobs

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Build (or rebuild) trust with your colleagues

Build (or rebuild) trust with your colleagues

- In my work with leaders and teams, one factor shows up repeatedly as a reason why relationships either flourish or fail, trust. According to research from the Center for Neuroeconomic Studies, employees in high trust organizations are more productive, have more energy at work, collaborate better with their colleagues, suffer less chronic stress, they're happier with their lives and all of these factors fuel stronger performance. And as you can imagine, when an organization has layoffs, trust in the business, its leaders, basically in everyone and everything can suffer. Whether you're a team leader or a colleague, it's everyone's responsibility to contribute to a climate of trust, and I want to take a moment to make a distinction between a culture of trust and a climate of trust. So a culture is the way we do things around here and it is highly likely that you might not be able to control the way we do things around…
