From the course: Advanced Tableau Desktop

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Map layers

Map layers

- [Instructor] Let's talk about customizing maps with map layers. Map layers provide a space for developers to customize the standard map layers inside Tableau. These can impact all areas of the map, including color, lines, background style, and data layers, including layers like demographics. Let's break down the three main parts of map layers. If we take a look at our Map Layers menu, you can see at the very top, we have a section called Background. The background represents the overarching styling of our background map. The default map box and open street map styles are built into Tableau and don't require any extra integration. Note that offline maps are also available in the main map menu as well. Our next section is called Map Layers. This is the bulk of the options that you have to customize. Map layers includes dimensional layers that can be revealed or hidden by the developer. These can include things like land cover, coastline, zip code boundaries, and more. Note that some…
