From the course: Advanced Tableau Desktop
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Contextual joins: Removed - Tableau Tutorial
From the course: Advanced Tableau Desktop
Contextual joins: Removed
- [Instructor] Removed is the final contextual join rule that we'll be talking about. This rule states that you can use the count field from any table that you want to remove nulls from. All you need to do is choose a value greater than one to remove the nulls without removing all nulls. In the last example, we didn't want to remove all of the neighborhoods, even though the home stores were null. But the removed rule can essentially help us remove null measures from our table without removing all nulls from the view. In the example below, we've taken the count of Sales by Store field and we've applied the greater than one rule. This will remove any null values that we had in our Quantity Sold field. Looking at the relationships leveraged in the view, we can see that we have both the store lookup for store type and neighborhood joined to two separate measures. The first is our Quantity Sold, which is in Sales by Store, but we also have our count field coming from Sales by Store. The…
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Relationships1m 47s
Logical and physical layers2m 52s
Relationships vs. joins1m 35s
Requirements for relationships1m 18s
Creating relationships6m 2s
Optimizing performance2m 41s
Multi-fact relationships5m 21s
Interface differences (2020.2)3m 32s
The 8 R's of relationships1m 7s
Contextual joins: Remain4m 28s
Contextual joins: Relevant2m 12s
Contextual joins: Retain2m 47s
Contextual joins: Recovered1m 59s
Contextual joins: Represented2m 8s
Contextual joins: Removed1m 52s
Smart aggregation6m 1s
Smart aggregation: Replicate3m 5s
Smart aggregation: Resolve2m 6s
Assignment: Relationships58s
Solution: Relationships12m 11s