From the course: Advanced SQL for Application Development

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Creating tables and loading data

Creating tables and loading data

- [Narrator] Now since this is an advanced SQL course I'm making some assumptions about your skill level with SQL. I assume that you are familiar with the difference between data definition language statements such as Create Table and data manipulation languages such as Update and Select. I also assume you are familiar enough with data bases that you can install for example, Postgres, as I have done here. I will include files in the exercise folder which will include information on different data bases and links to downloading for example, Postgres and MySQL. Now what I'd like to do in this video is to start with essentially a fresh data base. In the previous video I showed what the physical structure of the data base looks like. Here, in this video we're actually going to go through the steps to create that. So, I'm in PgAdmin right now but I'm going to jump over to my editor…
