From the course: Advanced Google Analytics
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Weighted sort - Google Analytics Tutorial
From the course: Advanced Google Analytics
Weighted sort
- [Instructor] As you're reviewing your metrics to identify patterns, trends, issues, or the performance of, say, your marketing campaigns, you often encounter situations where you'd prefer to use a Weighted Sort. To show you what I mean by this, let's take a look at the All Pages report under Site Content, within Behavior. So here, I see a variety of pages. And if I want to see the pages that have the highest bounce rate, issues that I'd like to work on, I'll select Bounce Rate, and here, I'm sorting from greatest to least. But we'll notice that the page views are all a relatively small number. In fact, this is a statistically insignificant value when it comes to pages that I'd like to prioritize. And so what we can do, is in Sort Type, instead of selecting Default, choose Weighted. What this does is now identifies statistically meaningful results. So here, the page view numbers are incredibly higher. And now I'm…
Site search overview3m 5s
Site search setup2m 4s
Create custom dimensions2m 40s
Calculated metrics2m 42s
Custom channel groupings3m 10s
Custom content grouping2m 40s
Weighted sort2m 13s
Google Analytics debugger plugin1m 44s