From the course: Advanced Google Analytics

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Tracking users with User ID

Tracking users with User ID

- [Instructor] One of the limitations with Google Analytics is that, as soon as a user leaves the browser and switches over to their mobile device but continues to interact with your website, you lose that association. Google will assign that record as a new user, even though it's the same person. You can get around this problem by using Google's User-ID. And this essentially allows you to associate one or more sessions across multiple devices with one unique and persistent ID that you've created. Now, the caveat here is that you must be able to generate your own unique ID. You'll have to assign that ID to a user and be able to identify whenever that user appears. This typically is done when you have a site that people log into. So if I were to log into your service or into your eCommerce platform, you now know who I am, and you can associate my record across the devices that I log in as. So you will have to use a…
