From the course: Advanced Google Analytics

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Custom content grouping

Custom content grouping

- [Instructor] If you're working with a large website it can often be beneficial if Google Analytics groups its content in the same way that your website is organized. For example, if you had an e-commerce store, you might want to group your content around the main parts of the shopping experience, such as accessories, or office, or kids, and so on. This also holds true if say you run a large news outlet and you have categories for each section that articles can be delivered in. Say, news, entertainment, celebrities, and sports. This is handled through what's known as content grouping. And I'm here in the all pages report, under site content with behavior. And you'll see here at the top of the table is a headline labeled content grouping. When content grouping is set up, you'll be able to select categories from the dropdown. Here I can see clothing by gender, product categories, and brands. Now these have been…
