From the course: Advanced Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

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Working with automatically captured events in GA4

Working with automatically captured events in GA4 - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Working with automatically captured events in GA4

- One of the nice features of GA4 is that it has several automatically captured events right out of the box. These are called Enhanced Events. In addition to enhanced events, there are many events that are captured by default, and you can view that list here on Google's website. And here are the types of enhanced events that come with any GA4 web stream. We have page_views, scrolls, outbound clicks, view_search_results, form_start and form_submit interactions, video engagements, and file_downloads. You can turn on and off individual enhanced events by going into the GA4 Admin. Then, we're going to click on data streams. Then, we're going to click on our data stream. And then we're going to click on the Settings wheel here under Events. Now you can see we have a number of options and I'm going to go through each of these now. The page uses the first option and it can't be turned off, but if your website uses what's called browser history events load pages, this particular checkbox here…
