From the course: Advanced Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

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Creating a path exploration in GA4

Creating a path exploration in GA4 - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Creating a path exploration in GA4

- Out of all the exploration options in GA4, the path exploration's one that I use quite often because visually it's a great way to see how visitors are engaging with your website on their terms, instead of on a path you want them to take, such as in a specific funnel. In this lesson I'll use Google's Merch Shop GA4, which is available for anyone to use. We're in the exploration section, and now let's create a new path exploration by clicking on it right here. You don't have the same ability to add dimensions and metrics like you do in other explorations. You can see here, for example, if I scroll down and look, that first user medium is grayed out, which indicates it can't be used with this exploration technique. Here in the exploration, we can click on the event name, for example, we can click on session start here, and then we can see what branches come out from there. We can also click on this particular dropdown to change it from event name to say page path. Note that screen…
