From the course: Advanced Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

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Creating a funnel exploration in GA4

Creating a funnel exploration in GA4 - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Creating a funnel exploration in GA4

- Funnel explorations are extremely useful to help you determine where your users are dropping off your conversion path or really any other path you'd like them to take. GA4's Funnel Exploration has some interesting features that help you level up your own analysis abilities. Funnels are also the only type of explorations that can be viewed in the Report section of GA4, not just in explorations. In this lesson, I'll use Google's Merch Shop GA4, which is available for anyone to use. We're in the Exploration section, and now let's choose a new funnel exploration. There are two visualization options, standard funnel, which indicates bars for drop off as you see here, and then there's trended funnel, which shows the number of users in that step over time. And then you can click on the chart to view the different steps individually or All will show all the different steps altogether. The trended visualization option is particularly useful for conversion rate optimization and A/B…
