From the course: Advanced GitHub Actions

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The GitHub package registry introduction

The GitHub package registry introduction - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: Advanced GitHub Actions

The GitHub package registry introduction

- Many programming languages have a convenient way to identify and collect dependencies. Ruby has the Gemfile, JavaScript has package.json, and even when you're working with Docker images you'll use a Docker file. We can use these specifications during our CI/CD workflows to collect all of these dependencies together in a convenient artifact. And even though the name might be different from one programming language or platform to another, we'll call it a package. Once we've created a package, we need somewhere to store it so that we can use it ourselves and maybe even share it with other developers. That's where the GitHub package service comes in. The package service is hosting for our packages, and it also allows us to set permissions on who has access to them. Let's discuss some of the features of the GitHub package service and how we can use it in our GitHub Actions workflows.
