From the course: Advanced GitHub Actions

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Scheduled triggers

Scheduled triggers

- [Instructor] GitHub actions supports all kinds of events that can trigger workflows, so it should come as no surprise that we can use a scheduled event to run workflows at specific times. This is useful for nightly builds, generating monthly reports, or any other automation that needs to be run on a schedule. The scheduled event is configured just like the other events we know and love. In the on section of the workflow file, we add the keyword schedule to identify the beginning of a schedule configuration. That's followed by a list item starting with the keyword cron and then a pattern that represents the schedule. If you've used cron before, then you'll be happy to know that GitHub actions uses the same format. Let's take a look at how cron syntax describes a schedule. The cron syntax uses five fields, separated by spaces to describe a schedule. Reading from left to right, these fields represent minutes, hours, the…
