From the course: Advanced Branding

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Evaluate brand visuals

Evaluate brand visuals

- Your brand's identity flows through its vision, position and personality. So let's take a look at the visuals that embody all of these characteristics. So when a consumer is exposed to the visuals of your brand, as you recall, they receive a cue and then form their perception. The more visual information they receive, the further they align their perception to a feeling or a belief. Branding aims to make sure the perception they form contains the identity of your brand and provides a reason to make the purchase. But how do we do this in practice? How do you determine if a set of images, textures, fonts, colors, or words are arranged in such a way that makes them on-brand and stand out? Well, the best way is to ask. Use your customers or people in your target market to evaluate your visual identity. You or your designer starts the process by trying to craft something that you feel is right, but then, you'll need an…
