From the course: Adobe Green-Screen Workflow

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Using the Ultra Keyer

Using the Ultra Keyer

- Applying the Ultra Keyer effect is pretty straightforward. Let me walk you through the essential skills. Now I've already laid out the two clips here in my sequence, and I'm going to press the backslash key to fit the clips to the duration of the timeline. The Ultra Keyer is particularly effective at handling footage that's relatively compressed, such as DV, HDV, or material shot on a DSLR or mirrorless camera. What I need to do is select the green screen footage so it's active and then go to my Effects panel. In the search dialog, just type in the word ultra, and that should take you right to the Ultra Key effect. Drag that onto the footage. Now I'll switch to the Effect Controls, and the first step is to determine the key color. I'll click on the eyedropper and then take a quick look at my clip here and choose an area close to the subject. And that does a good job of removing the green. Now what I suggest is you switch this from viewing the Composite view to viewing the Alpha…
