From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics

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User interface tour

User interface tour

- [Instructor] So before we begin this, I'd like to let you know this is an update of the newest Dimension interface. Some things in your Dimension application might look and work a little different than how this course was recorded. I've recorded content where necessary and added overlays when needed. When we first launch Dimension, as I've done here, there are only two options; you can create a new document or open an existing one. I'll go ahead and create a new one. Dimension can't open open without a document and only one document can be opened at a time, unlike Photoshop or Illustrator. New documents are created at a default canvas size of 24 by 768, we can see there here on screen in the upper left-hand corner of the canvas. We can resize the canvas just by clicking here and dragging one of these handles down. Notice that that changes the sizes in that properties panel as well. You could dial in a specific size…
