From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics

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Substance materials

Substance materials

- [Instructor] Dimension offers a second type of material that is infinitely more customizable than the Adobe Standard materials and these are called substance materials. First off filter for materials in the Starter Assets panel by clicking on the second icon here. And we see at the top these materials are grouped as Adobe Standard materials. Underneath there we find the substance materials. Substance materials are parameter based, not image based like standard materials. With the single substance material you may be able to create thousands of variations of patterns and designs. The wood material on this cup over here is an Adobe Standard material created from an image. We've already looked at the options for modifying the appearance of this wood, now let's see what different options we find by using a similar wood textured substance material. I'll take this cedar wood material and drag it out and release it on the cup,…
