From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics

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Focus point and final render

Focus point and final render

- [Instructor] Before we render the final scene, let's examine the background image a little more closely. This image has a pretty narrow focal length, meaning that only the foreground and middle of the table are completely in focus. Notice how the back edge of the table is slightly blurred? Dimension has a focus setting which allows you to create photo-realistic narrow depth of field on your models so that you can match the depth of field in the scene, creating a final product shot that looks amazingly real. We need to select on the camera in the scene panel to find that focus setting. It's here at the bottom. I'll toggle it on or I'll toggle this open and then turn it on, and immediately we see the focus changing on the screen here. So we get a real-time preview of the focus setting, and currently the focus point is set where we see these crosshairs. I'll click the set focus point button and then click on the two trees logo on the front lemon olive oil bottle, and now we'll see that…
