From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics

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Edit material properties

Edit material properties

- [Instructor] It's time to fill the glass bottles with olive oil. We'll do this by refining the material properties. Olive oil typically comes thick green glass container to protect the oil from light contamination. And we can create this look and dimension by modifying just a couple of the properties. First, let's take a look at the color of the glass material. I'll get to that by double-clicking on the front model and then selecting glass in the scene panel. Here in the properties, you see the base color is set to white. I'll click on that, which brings up the color picker. In the color picker panel, you have different color model options here. I'm going to leave it on RGB and just pick a green color. We'll just dial in a green and see how that looks. I can use the escape key or click on the color chip here to close that window out. Next, we'll scroll down through the properties panel and we'll see that there's a number…
