From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics

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Edit in Photoshop

Edit in Photoshop

- [Instructor] When the render is complete, we can send it directly to Photoshop from here. If we hover over the name of the file, we get the more options, or three dots here. Clicking on that, we'll see that Edit in Photoshop. So I'll go ahead and send the front view to Photoshop now. That launches Photoshop, and opens the composite. We're nearly complete. Throughout this course, we've explored the Dimension workspace, played with the tools, and built a complete, photorealistic composite of the Two Trees olive oil product. Let's take a look at the information in the Photoshop Layers panel. Dimension created some layered information that will make any further editing a snap. First, we have layers separated for the models and the image. We can turn the visibility of the models off here, and see that we have the image. The background image is even a smart object, which would allow you to do some nondestructive editing to it. There's another layer group here with the visibility turned…
