From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics

Bring your 3D design ideas to life

- [Theresa] Are you a 2D designer with a curiosity or have a professional need to create 3D designs? Or maybe you're a photographer who would like to add realistic but non-existent objects to your photographic scenes. Find out just how easy and straightforward 3D design can be with Adobe Dimension CC. I'd like to share with you the ease of this application. I give you a big picture overview of what you can do with it. By walking through the creation of a branded product shot from start to finish, you'll have the skills that you need to create your own 3D composites and showcase your creative vision. I'm Theresa Jackson, a graphic arts professional and instructor, and I've spent the majority of my 20-plus year career working in 2D design, and I'm excited to share that with you too. Join me for my LinkedIn Learning course on Adobe Dimension.
