From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics
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Adobe Standard Material (ASM) - Dimension Tutorial
From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics
Adobe Standard Material (ASM)
- [Instructor] You can think of material as the skin of a 3D model. And excellent selection of materials can be found in the Starter Assets panel. I'll filter to those with the second icon here. We can scroll through and see a pretty wide variety of materials that's built-in. Materials are either solid colors with textures, and that would be like the Glossy Paper or the Plastic, or images that when applied to a surface create a seamless repeated pattern, like the wood materials that we see here, or the Gray Marble. More 3D models can be found at Adobe Stock and there's a link to that at the bottom of this panel if we scroll down. You can even create your own custom materials using your smart phone camera and the Adobe mobile app, Capture. Adobe Capture syncs material assets to a Creative Cloud library for use inside of Dimension. Let's apply some materials to these drink containers and just have some fun with it.…
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