From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics

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Add and position 3D models

Add and position 3D models

- [Instructor] Now we have set the stage for our olive oil products and we're ready to place some 3D models into the scene. For this project we'll use one starter asset model and one model provided in the exercise files folder. Let's start this project by switching to the Starter Assets. Then we can filter for 3D models by clicking on this first cube icon. I want to start with the Tall Box model, which is found here towards the top. I'll take this Tall Box from the panel and just drag it onto the scene. Notice the cyan highlight that shows us a preview of where the model will get placed. I'll place it right left of center here. We'll go up to File, Import, 3D Model or you could use the keyboard shortcut Command or Control + I. And I'll select the bottle thick and click Open. Placing a model with the Import method places the model in the plane right on the center of the canvas. You don't have the highlighted option to…
