From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics
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Add a 2D background image - Dimension Tutorial
From the course: Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics
Add a 2D background image
- [Instructor] Now you know your way around the dimension workspace, and you're ready to create a photo realistic product composite. Throughout this chapter, we will be creating this Two Trees Olive Oil project, starting from the beginning. To create this composite, we will use both starter assets and files provided in the exercise files folder. I'll go to file, new document or Command or Control + N, which will close out this project and give us a new blank canvas to start working with. We'll start this project by placing a background image to set the scene for our project. There's a few background images found in the starter assets which I can filter to by clicking on the Pic icon here. There's not really too much that we would want to use. We could scroll down here to the bottom and jump out to browse Adobe stock where there's lots of images. I've already done that, and I licensed an image for this project, which saved it…
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Add a 2D background image3m 15s
Add and position 3D models4m 57s
Add materials to models2m 11s
Add brand graphics to models4m 35s
Group and duplicate models2m 41s
Work with graphics artboards2m 1s
Edit material properties5m 11s
Light the product shot1m 56s
Working with camera views2m 31s
Focus point and final render3m 48s
Edit in Photoshop2m 25s