From the course: Administrative Human Resources
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Job postings and recruiting diverse candidates
From the course: Administrative Human Resources
Job postings and recruiting diverse candidates
- Do you copy and paste your job descriptions into online job boards, or do you turn them into something more like a marketing flyer to entice applicants to apply? If it's the former, I've got news for you. Post-and-pray is in the past. It's time to figure out where your potential employees are and start encouraging them to apply. Before we can do that, let's get clear on the difference between a job description and job advertisement. Descriptions are like the instructions to the job and are used to determine salary, setting performance expectations, career planning, and organizational hierarchy. I've included a worksheet in the exercise files to serve as a guide. Check your current job descriptions against the worksheet to ensure you have all of the right information in there, and send your final descriptions to your employment law attorney to ensure you've correctly assigned exempt and non-exempt to each position. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, job advertisements are…
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Pre-hire and employer branding3m 23s
Job postings and recruiting diverse candidates2m 57s
Interviewing best practices3m 44s
Hiring and onboarding3m 24s
Collaborative performance management4m 9s
Training and development3m 24s
Discipline, up to and including termination3m 35s
Exiting employees3m 59s