From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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What PDF forms can do

What PDF forms can do

- [Instructor] As we've seen throughout this course, the PDF's ability to maintain the look and feel of original documents is one of the reasons it's such a popular file format. This can be especially useful when dealing with forms, like order forms, invoices, expense reports, and so on. You can send these forms to others and they can print them out and have the exact same form they would If you gave them a paper version. With Acrobat, you can take this a step further by using its form tools to place form fields into your document, enabling the user to fill out the form electronically on screen. So this is an example of a form that was created in a page layout program, and would typically be printed out to be filled out by hand. But this form has been enhanced with form fields in Acrobat, which means I can click in each field to fill out the form. I can start up here in the Name field, and type my name. I can press the Tab key…
