From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training
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Page display, document navigation, and magnification - Adobe Acrobat Tutorial
From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training
Page display, document navigation, and magnification
- [Narrator] Now, let's take a look at some ways to navigate a PDF that you've opened in Acrobat.. As you work in Acrobat, you're often going to have to spend time paging through your documents and zooming in and out of them. And you accomplish these actions through many bar commands or the toolbar buttons and tools. Up at the top of the window. We can see where it currently says one of eight, letting me know that I'm on page one of an eight page document. If I wanted to jump to page four, one way to do that quickly is to simply highlight the one type a four and press enter or return. Or as we saw earlier, I can click the page thumbnails button at the top of the navigation pane and see all the thumbnails for this document. And if I want to jump to page eight, I just click it's thumbnail. We can also use the scroll wheel on the mouse. If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel to scroll up and down the document. Now…
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