From the course: Acrobat DC: Creating Forms

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Digitally sign documents

Digitally sign documents

- [Instructor] So now that I've created a digital ID, I'm ready to sign a document. I previously created this digital signature field on this PDF and we saw that when I clicked it, it prompted me to find my digital ID file. But when I click it now, I get this window instead. That's because I created that digital ID and Acrobat correctly assumes that I want to use that ID to sign this form. Now if you've quit Acrobat in the meantime, you might be prompted to enter the ID password you came up with first, but in my case, I've kept Acrobat open since I created my ID. If I created multiple IDs, I'd be able to select from a list here to specify the one I wanted to use, but in this case, I just have the one I created, so I'll click continue and this is how anyone else signing your form would do this as well. They'd have to go through the process of creating an ID and they'll also need to share their public key with you so…
