From the course: Acoustic Guitar Lessons: 2 Scales, Walking Bass, Hammer-Ons, and Pull-Offs

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Using a capo

Using a capo

- Before we jump into this batch of tunes, a little tech talk here. Gonna discuss the capo and what it does, and, in my opinion, the best way to use it and get the most out of it. Capo, essentially, allows you to have access to open strings in other keys. That's kind the basic job of the capo, and there are different styles. My capo here, good shot from over/above, is a McKinney style Elliott Capo. There's some different manufacturers that make capos of this style, that wrap around. There's some that use tension to clamp or screws to clamp around the neck, like this, but it's all essentially the same concept at work. For Bluegrass specifically, what you'll notice, the reason it's great for Flatpicking and Bluegrass, if you've never used on of these things before, we've covered a lot of chords in open position so far. And, just by the use of the capo, it allows us access to three or four times as many chords, and to play in three or four times as many keys. A good place to start is the…
