From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Warping audio: Part 1

Warping audio: Part 1

- [Instructor] Ableton Live is well known for its ability to time-stretch audio to fit different tempos. Let's discuss how this works and the options available for warping drum clips. So I've got the Warp Project open, and the basic idea behind warping is to create the ability to change the tempo of an audio clip without changing the pitch. And that way, you can make that audio clip conform to different tempos in different projects. Now, it does this by analyzing each audio file or clip to determine the location of the attacks or transients. And from that information, it calculates the clip tempo and the clip length. Now, I'm going to quickly switch over to my Finder window and just point out that if we go into the Samples and Imported folder, this is where we can see the files that I've brought into this particular live set. And each one of these audio files, the .aif files, are accompanied by a .asd file. And that .asd file is the file that contains that Ableton analysis of those…
