From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Session View section editing

Session View section editing

- In the previous video, we looked at how to experiment with the project's form in arrangement view. Let's look at how you can do the same thing in session view. So I've got the session view section editing project open, and while you're working with the project, you may find that you need to create some space where you can grab some of these clips and form a new scene. So one of the ways that we can do that is to insert a new empty scene. So I'm going to go over here to the verse one, and I'm going to right click on that. And I'm just going to choose the insert scene from the contextual menu. Now note, this is going to add a scene after the currently selected scene. So then it would be simple to just copy some clips onto that scene and you've got something new. Now if you decide later on that you don't need that scene, well we can just select it and either choose delete from the contextual menu or hit the delete key on your computer keyboard. Now another thing that I noticed that I…
