From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Session View audio export

Session View audio export

- [Instructor] In the last video, we discussed exporting files from Arrangement View. Session View is a bit different. So let's take a closer look. Now I've got the Session View Export Project open, and one thing that is the same as exporting from arrangement view is how we export a MIDI file. And again, we have the same limitation. We can't export tracks, we can't export entire projects, we can only export single clips. So to do that, we just select the clip, or I click on it. Choose "export MIDI clip" from the contextual menu, choose a place where you want to put it. I'm going to put it on the desktop. And click save. Now if I flip to my desktop, I can see the Sine Bass.mid file that we just exported. Now if I want to export this same clip as audio, the first thing I need to do is make sure that any audio that I'm playing is coming from Session View. So I'll click the stop all clips button. Then I need to make sure that the clip has focus. So I'm going to click the play button on…
