From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Rhythm, recombine, and time warp

Rhythm, recombine, and time warp - Ableton Live Tutorial

From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

Rhythm, recombine, and time warp

- [Instructor] Creating interesting rhythm patterns can be a bit of a challenge, so let's look at how the rhythm, recombine, and time warp MIDI tools can help with that. And I've got the Rhythm Recombine Time Warp Project open, and let's... I want to create a hi-hat pattern, so let's insert an empty MIDI clip on this drum set track. Okay, and let's go over to our generative tools tab, and I'm going to use the rhythm tab to get us started. So this time, using this particular tool, you'll notice that we don't see MIDI notes, and that's because I've got this drum rack here. So we can actually choose the instrument that we want to generate this rhythm for by selecting it from the list here. Or again, you can hold down your Option or Control and just click that note in the piano roll to select it. So now we're on the hi-hat. Okay, now I want to create a 16th note pattern, so let's change our step duration to 16th notes. Now it's already generating stuff 'cause I've got the generate button…
