From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Plugin basics: Part 2

Plugin basics: Part 2

- [Instructor] Let's continue our discussion on plug-in basics that we started in the previous video. So I've got a plug-ins basics projects open, and this contains the plug-ins that we loaded in that previous video. So you'll notice down here in device view, after you load a few plug-ins, it can get quite crowded. To minimize one of these plug-ins, all we need to do is double click on the plug-in header. And we can quickly minimize a number of these. Now if we want to maximize them, all we have to do is then double click on the plug-in and it comes back. If we need to scroll, you can scroll by just scrolling with your mouse. And next, if you wanted to copy some of these plug-ins and their settings to a different track, well, we can make some changes and change the threshold there. And now I can select these two plug-ins by shift-clicking their plug-in headers, and I'll copy them. I'm just going to press Command-C or Ctrl-C if you're on a PC. And I'll click this audio track and then…
