From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Instrument plugins

Instrument plugins

- [Instructor] Several instrument devices are included with Ableton Live. These devices range from virtual synthesizers to modeling synths to sample players. Let's take a brief look at some of these instruments and the important aspects of their user interfaces. So I've got the instrument plugins project open, and on the first track, I have a device called Analog. And this is a two oscillator subtractive synth that also includes a noise oscillator and sub-oscillators. So some of the things I want to point out here are that as you click these different areas of the synth, you'll notice that the parameters and what we see here in the middle change. For example, when I go to one of the oscillators, there are some hidden parameters here that I wouldn't be able to get at up in this area. I have to come down into this middle window. For example, one of these parameters is the sub-oscillator, and I can increase the level of that by raising this parameter that's also available on oscillator…
