From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Groove quantization

Groove quantization

- [Instructor] As we discussed in the previous video, quantization can result in music that feels mechanical. So let's look at groove quantization, which often generates more musical results. So I've got the Quantization project open. And let's talk a little bit about groove files. So groove files are just MIDI files that contain both rhythm information and velocity attributes. And those files are all located over here in the Grooves category. Now, when you look at the names of these files, there can be information that will indicate the kind of result that you're going to get. For example, we see Bossanova. So some of these have style in the title. Now, as we get a little bit deeper in our list here, I want to point out that we start to get some that say Swing 8ths and 52 or a larger number. So the Swing 8ths is an indication of the subdivision that is predominant in this groove file. So this is really intended to work with an eighth note groove. Now, the number to the right of that…
