From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Grid config

Grid config

- [Instructor] Managing the grid is a basic skill you'll need in order to work effectively in Ableton 12. So let's take a closer look. I've got the MIDI editor project open if you want to follow along. And I'm going to select a clip so that we'll see it down here in Clip View. Now if you look over here in the upper right hand corner of Clip View, you'll notice that we see a rhythmic value, in this case a 16th note, and that's the current size of our grid. Now I'm going to tab over to Arrangement View to show you that that same option exists here. It's currently off, let me turn that back on. And above that we'll also see in the lower right hand corner of Arrangement View, there's another option for grid. So the grid value that we see here in Arrangement View can be set independently of the grid value that we see down here in Clip View. And in fact, when you're working up in the Arrangement View, you're working with moving clips around. And down here in Clip View, you're going to be…
