From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Editing MIDI pitch and duration

Editing MIDI pitch and duration

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how to edit MIDI pitch and note duration. So I've got the pitch and duration project open, if you want to follow along, and let's start by selecting this first clip on the marimba track. Now, I know that I've got a wrong note here, and I want to fix that. So you'll notice here at beat two in this first measure, I've got a D# here, and that should actually be a D. So I'm going to click to select that note, and then I can use my arrow keys to transpose that up or down. So with the up arrow, I can go up, and with a down arrow, I can go down. Now, I can also do that with a group of notes. So if I drag and close these notes, and again, use my up arrow key, I can go up, and the down arrow key to go down a half step at a time. Sometimes when you're working, especially with drum files, you may need to transpose all the notes on a particular key. And again, we can select all of the notes on a particular pitch by clicking the related note over here in the…
