From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Editing expression

Editing expression

- [Instructor] MIDI polyphonic expression is intended to enhance performance and it adds some creative ways to modulate MIDI parameters. Let's take a look at how we can edit MPE data. So I've got the editing expression project open and MIDI polyphonic expression or MPE was added to the MIDI protocol in 2018, and it enables per note control of pitch bend, after touch or pressure, slide, velocity, and release velocity. Now you'll need an MPE keyboard, like the ROLI Seaboard Rise or the Keith McMillan Keyboard Pro 4 to generate MPE's MIDI signals. But they can also be added and edited manually in the MIDI editor, and they'll work in Ableton with MPE capable devices like Wave Table, Drift, Meld, Sampler. Or if you want to edit a simpler preset, you convert it to Sampler where you can edit the MPE settings and then send it back to Sampler. Now, to view MPE data, we need to go to the MIDI editor, and I'm going to do that by double clicking on this first clip on the synth bow track. And in…
