From the course: Ableton Live 12 Essential Training

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Customizing the browser

Customizing the browser

- [Instructor] To work quickly and effectively, you'll want to configure Live's browser to support how you like to work. So I've got a default set open if you want to follow along on your own computer. And let's talk about the Collections area at the top of the sidebar in the browser. So this is an area that you can organize your favorite content in Ableton, and that can include both Ableton content, as well as third party content. For example, in the Synths area, you'll notice that I have both Ableton devices, and you can recognize them by this kind of icon, as well as third party devices, which you'll notice that have different icons next to them. Now if you want to add something to one of these collections, it's easy, and I'm missing one of my instruments. So I'm going to go into the Ableton Instruments area, and you'll notice the Ableton instruments that I've added into the Synths collection have these little red boxes next to them. And I want to also have Analog in that…
